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Data Networks [214.2900]  



Modern-age life without computer networks is quite unimaginable.  Landline and cellular telephone systems, office and state-of-the-art computer networks, cable television, and of course - the great wonder called "Internet" - are all just a few examples of the tremendous change that digital communication has brought to our lives. The course aims to uncover the ins and outs of the Internet. How is it possible that information found on one computer suddenly pops up on another? What are the main processes and algorithms that make up the world of communication? We will provide an overview of the basic concepts in computer communications (concepts such as networks, protocols, client-server models, routing, and network cards. The course focuses on the TCP / IP protocol suite, the most common network architecture on the market, and gives a comprehensive understanding and experience with client-server UDP and TCP programming. 

Teaching Assistant


Weaam Shaheen

Social-Cyber Security [214.3680]


Social cyber refers to online social networks, as well as our online private information.

Socialcyber security is an evolving cybersecurity branch that deals with understanding human behavior to attack users, their privacy, and their information. The target of the attack is the women and the systems they use. "An example of this is the technology and theory needed to evaluate, predict and reduce cases of community influence and manipulation through changes or control of the cyber-mediated information environment through bots, cyborgs (a combination of bot and human) and humans." [*]

The basis for understanding socialcyber security is multidisciplinary. While the attacks are based on theories of game theory, social psychology, sociology, and information theory, the methodologies for carrying out and understanding the attacks are based on computer communication, data science, machine learning, and computational linguistics. In the seminar, we will explore both the theories and the methodologies that enable the attacks, their execution, understanding, and prevention.


[*]Carley, K. M., Cervone, G., Agarwal, N., & Liu, H. (2018, July). Social cyber-security. In International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (pp. 389-394). Springer, Cham.​

Social Network Analysis (SNA)  [214.3550]


"Over the past decade, there has been a growing public fascination with the complex “connectedness” of modern society. This connectedness is found in many incarnations: in the rapid growth of the Internet and the Web, in the ease with which global communication now takes place, and in the ability of news and information as well as epidemics and financial crises to spread around the world with surprising speed and intensity. These are phenomena that involve networks, incentives, and the aggregate behavior of groups of people; they are based on the links that connect us and the ways in which each of our decisions can have subtle consequences for the outcomes of everyone else." [1]

In this course, we will study the structure of these networks and links and understand the mechanisms that govern social and complex interactions and networks.

[1] Easley, David, and Jon Kleinberg. Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning about a Highly Connected World. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2010. ISBN: 9780521195331.

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