Our COVID-19 Research on analysis of competing strains published in Nature Scientific Reports
The work analyzes the competition among viral strains using our developed temporal interaction-driven contagion model. We consider two...

New: Open-source, Large-scale, Temporal Random Network Generator
ScanLab is happy to share DynamicRandomGraphs: A Python package for the generation of scalable temporal random graphs, by Yanir Marmor...

Trends in evolving networks
The popularity of nodes changes with time, with nodes losing and regaining popularity. We find and show that the recent trend of a node’s...

Size agnostic Change Point Detection (CPD) framework
Inference statistic helps determine points of change in the evolution of networks; The framework does not use historic data nor imposes...

Constant state of change: engagement inequality in temporal dynamic networks
The temporal changes in complex systems of interactions have excited the research community in recent years as they encompass...