Harnessing AI for Creative Collaboration: Insights from Our Brainwriting Study
SCAN Lab Blog
Beyond R0: Unraveling COVID-19's Transmission Mysteries Through Temporal Network Analysis
Dr. Osnat Mokryn will give a talk at TAU's Cyber Week on June 26, 2023
A new paper in PLoS ONE: A statistical model for early estimation of the prevalence of a disease
Congratulation to Yossi Solomon on his paper in Computer Networks!
Best paper award from ILAIS
Our COVID-19 Research on analysis of competing strains published in Nature Scientific Reports
Accepted conferences talks - CCS 2021 and CNA 2021
New: Open-source, Large-scale, Temporal Random Network Generator
Latent Personal Analysis (LPA) just been published with SpringerNature in UMUAI Journal
Networks 2021 - accepted presentations discussed in a podcast
Our paper on Latent Personal Analysis accepted to UMUAI
Miki Cohen-Kalaf's thesis on exploration in an emotional space Accepted for publication!
Congratulations to Uri Alon on the publication in Frontiers on Immunology!
Ossi's interview on NETfrix (Hebrew)
Domain-based Latent Personal Analysis (LPA) and its uses
Exploration in an emotional space - Movie Emotion Map
Emotional experiences extracted from user-generated content
Trends in evolving networks
The opinions of a few: A cross-platform study quantifying usefulness of reviews