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SCAN Lab Blog

Interpretable Transformation and Analysis of Timelines through Learning via Surprisability (LvS)
Ever had that feeling when something just seems off, even if you can’t quite explain why? 🤔 Maybe it is a sudden dip in your fitness...

Harnessing AI for Creative Collaboration: Insights from Our Brainwriting Study
In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), the integration of generative AI technologies, such as Large Language...

Beyond R0: Unraveling COVID-19's Transmission Mysteries Through Temporal Network Analysis
In 2019, I was in the middle of a research effort funded by the Israel Science Foundation to quantify the effects of external events on...

Dr. Osnat Mokryn will give a talk at TAU's Cyber Week on June 26, 2023
Talk title: Decoding the Hidden Knowledge: using Information Theory for online impersonation detection Registration:...
A new paper in PLoS ONE: A statistical model for early estimation of the prevalence of a disease
A statistical model for early estimation of the prevalence and severity of an epidemic or pandemic from simple tests for infection...
Congratulation to Yossi Solomon on his paper in Computer Networks!
The paper "SDNSandbox — Enabling learning-based innovation in provider networks" creates a framework of a "provider network in a box" and...

Best paper award from ILAIS
Our paper Sharing emotions: determining films' evoked emotional experience from their online reviews received the Best Research Paper...

Our COVID-19 Research on analysis of competing strains published in Nature Scientific Reports
The work analyzes the competition among viral strains using our developed temporal interaction-driven contagion model. We consider two...
Accepted conferences talks - CCS 2021 and CNA 2021
We presented our papers on Latent Personal Analysis (UMUAI) and Elicited Emotions (IR) at the Cognition Session at the Conference on...

New: Open-source, Large-scale, Temporal Random Network Generator
ScanLab is happy to share DynamicRandomGraphs: A Python package for the generation of scalable temporal random graphs, by Yanir Marmor...

Latent Personal Analysis (LPA) just been published with SpringerNature in UMUAI Journal
Glad to share a new paper in User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction Journal (UMUAI) with Hagit Ben-Shoshan describing an exploration...

Networks 2021 - accepted presentations discussed in a podcast
Alex Abbey's and Yanir Marmor's work on disease epidemiology over real-life interaction networks is accepted as an oral presentation at...
Our paper on Latent Personal Analysis accepted to UMUAI
Glad to share that our paper Domain-based Latent Personal Analysis and its use for impersonation detection in social media is accepted to...

Miki Cohen-Kalaf's thesis on exploration in an emotional space Accepted for publication!
Movie emotion map: an interactive tool for exploring movies according to their emotional signature published in Advances in Multimedia...

Congratulations to Uri Alon on the publication in Frontiers on Immunology!
Applying Latent Personal Analysis to B-cells enables a better understanding of the immune system. Alon, U., Mokryn, O., & Hershberg, U....

Ossi's interview on NETfrix (Hebrew)
On Feb. 22nd I interviewed on NETfrix with Asaf Shapira. We discussed Trendy Preferential Attachment, dynamic and temporal networks. And...

Domain-based Latent Personal Analysis (LPA) and its uses
LPA is an easy-to-use and fast domain-based spectral signature that can be used in a variety of domains that is tailored for big-data...

Exploration in an emotional space - Movie Emotion Map
Movie Emotion Map is a novel system that enables users to view and browse through a large collection of movies according to the movies'...

Emotional experiences extracted from user-generated content
What are the emotions felt while experiencing experience goods such as a film, a song, or a restaurant? We found that these emotions can...

Trends in evolving networks
The popularity of nodes changes with time, with nodes losing and regaining popularity. We find and show that the recent trend of a node’s...
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